The texts of modernism. An anthology of Polish theory and architecture criticism 1918-1981

D. Jędruch, M. Karpińska, D. Leśniak

13,05 €

The book in Polish only

Volume 1: Sources, Volume 2: Essays

Texts of modernism. An anthology of Polish theory and criticism of architecture 1918-1981 is a two-volume story of theorising and adopting architectural modernism in Poland. The first volume of the anthology is a selection of nearly sixty of the most interesting source texts written by Polish architecture theorists and practitioners, which were created in the period between Poland’s regaining independence and the Solidarity Carnival. It contains texts by the main protagonists of the interwar avant-garde, the most important theorists and practitioners of the twentieth century, key figures of socialist realism and post-war socialist modernism, seekers and experimenters from the 1960s and 1970s and, finally, those who questioned the achievements of modernism by the contestants from the last decade of the Polish People’s Republic. The second volume is an attempt to show how to use the toolbox of texts provided in the first volume, an encouragement for Readers and Readers to create their own interpretations, to track relationships. It is filled with critical essays by researchers of Polish modernism - David Crowley, Tomasz Fudala, Dorota Jędruch, Małgorzata Jędrzejczyk, Aleksandra Kędziorek, Emilia Kiecko, Dorota Leśniak-Rychlak, Grzegorz Piątek, Kamila Twardowska, Diana Wasilewska, Michał Wiśniewski, Łukasz Wojciechowski - which bring the texts of the first volume closer to the reader and show how they can be useful and alive.
