Robert Moses. Ukryty władca Nowego Jorku


Pierre Christin,Olivier Balez

10 €

From subways to skyscrapers, from swimming pools to beaches, from the suburbs of Long Island to the financial city of Manhattan - the face of contemporary New York City has been largely shaped by the decisions of one man: Robert Moses (1888-1981).

Here is a graphic biography of the controversial all-powerful visionary official, modernist urban planner and “New York’s greatest vandal,” as he was called by another heroine of the story, activist, publicist and pioneer of urban studies Jane Jacobs. Moses has been the subject of scientific research and a protagonist of pop culture for decades, many books have been written about him, exhibitions and films, and even a musical and opera have been created, but thanks to French authors, he is now entering the world of comics for the first time, and thanks to the Centre for Architecture - the Polish market.

He managed for several dozen years, at one point he held twelve jobs at the same time, managing parks, city planning, roads or a world exhibition. He was praised for his concern for public space, but accused of racism. He organised playgrounds, beaches and parks. But he cut the city down with motorways. He did a lot to make sure that ordinary people lived better in the city. But he did not ask them if they wanted the changes he imposed on them. He created, greened, rebuilt, improved. He would evacuate, grub up, demolish, destroy.
