Kształt zieleni

O estetyce, ekologii i projektowaniu

Lance Hosey

11 €

The theme of the book ‘The Shape of Green. On Aesthetics, Ecology and Design’ is about sustainable architecture and design in the context of aesthetics. The author, American architect Lance Hosey (1964-2021), poses difficult questions to the reader: is ubiquitous ugliness inevitable, does ‘green’ design have to be unattractive and can beauty save the planet. The author argues that human nature directs our senses and attention to the shape of things. Beauty intrigues us, arrests us and works on our emotions. Therefore, people will only be convinced by eco-friendly products, buildings and solutions if they have an attractive form. Drawing on research and citing his own observations, Hosey proves that design can only be called sustainable when it takes beauty into account.

The book presents a clear set of principles to bridge the gap between ‘good design’ and ‘green design’ standards.
