City Narratives

Built-up areas as space subject to political, architectural & artistic intervention VOL. I, VOL. II

edit. Irma Kozina

7,5 €

City Narratives is the title of a project comprising a series of academic seminars and texts devoted to stories of the relationships between architecture, art and city space, discussed from various research perspectives. The first of a series of planned meetings was organised by the Theory and History of Art Department of the Academy of Fine Arts (ASP) in Katowice in May 2016. The problems discussed in the course of this initial session gace rise to the current monograph, based on papers prepared for the actual event and supplemented by texts contributed to the conference proceedings while they were being prepared for publication. Although the book contains analyses of diverse issues, discussed according to various methodical principles, the common denominator of all its components was the intention to create periphrastic structures whose fundamental quality is their belonging to the genre of the urban narrative.
