MPP_ALL, is not only the title of the exhibition. It is also the name of a group chat room for internal communication within Maciek Pracownia Projektowa. The title, like the aforementioned forum, is multi-faceted - it is a pretext for going beyond the circle of the studio with a conversation about architecture and the future of our profession.
The presented buildings are differentiated by their overall context - from the time of their creation through their function, location and scale to their budget, but what they have in common is the fact that they were realised. It is precisely this materialisation of the projects in the construction process and the making available of the “finished” objects to the users, which allows for the final verification of the ideas behind the individual concepts, that is the most important and inherent factor in the genotype of the MPP, which enables experience and development.
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the studio and the SARP Honorary Award for 2020 for its founder, Zbigniew Maćkow, became the starting point for an attempt to catalogue the activities to date, as well as an opportunity to ask ourselves some - not only professionally important - questions. We therefore decided to treat the invitation to organise an exhibition as another learning opportunity - with the conviction that if the answers to the ‘big questions’ are not to be found here, they are worth asking ourselves. We see the thirty-two objects presented in the exhibition as a mandate to discuss things that are important to us - and it is to this discussion that we would like to invite you during the tours and talks accompanying the exhibition.
The exhibition consists of thirty-two realised projects, presented in the form of thirty mock-ups and thirty information cubbies with metrics and location markings. The synthetic exhibition is complemented by thirty short films, showing as objectively as possible the embedding of the buildings in their surroundings. The elements of the exhibition have been designed as a coherent, reconfigurable set intended for multiple use. The projects are labelled with a number, the first two digits of which represent the year in which work on the project began. The collection opens with the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Wrocław from 1999 and closes with the project for the reconstruction of the historic Maria Mill complex. However, the concept of the exhibition is open, and the raster of mock-ups may expand with further realisations over time.