Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw is the only polish partner of the international project Future Architecture Platform. It is a pan-European network of architecture museums, festivals and non-institutional cultural producers that promote the work of emerging architects, curators and researchers in architecture with the aim to bring the most burning issues of contemporary architecture to a wider audience. The objectives of the platform are: to connect the different architectural institutions, producers and communicators in a collaborative, trans-national, multidisciplinary platform for the exchange of new knowledge in architecture and to develop their collaborative and research capacities;

to encourage the production of new, alternative content for the visitors of the architecture museums and for architecture festivals’ audience;

to encourage circulation of emerging architects, researchers, curators, writers between museums, galleries and festivals throughout Europe;

to push forward new research and new, original presentations of the possible future models for cities and architecture;

to inform wider public and create awareness about current challenges in architecture;

to create an international fund of ideas about the future of architecture.

The FA Platform members are: MAO | Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, ORIS Kuća arhitekture / House of Architecture, Swiss Architecture Museum, HDA Beogradska internacionalna nedelja arhitekture, Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, MAXXI - Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, TAW (Tirana Architecture Weeks), Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Ruby Press, Prishtina Architecture Week and СANactions.

More information you will find here.