About MA

Museum of Architecture in Wrocław

Opening hours

Ticket prices

10 PLN – valid during December 17th-20th, 2024

Last tickets are sold 15 minutes before closing time.

On Wednesdays admission free!

The museum accepts museum ID cards, ICOM cards, URBANCARD discounts and Groupon coupons.

Pets welcome!

*persons under 18, students of primary and secondary schools, students under 26, PhD students, pensioners - upon presentation of a valid ID

Guided tours

Groups are guided from Tuesday to Sunday during the museum’s opening hours.

Guided tours take place in groups of up to forty people.

Guided tours should be booked min. 14 days before the visit by email: edukacja@ma.wroc.pl.

Guided tours must be confirmed or cancelled at least 72 hours before the scheduled date, confirmations and cancellations are accepted only by email to edukacja@ma.wroc.pl.

Museum lessons

All educational activities are free of charge. A prerequisite for taking part in the classes is the purchase of a ticket to the Museum, in accordance with the current price list. Classes can also be held on Mondays and outside museum opening hours.

In 2025 the Museum of Architecture will be closed on the following:

Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw Library

The Reading Room in the library is open from Tuesday till Friday, from 9 AM till 3 PM.

The Library collection includes publications on the history of architecture and art, related to the Polish and regional architecture, exhibition catalogues, all the publications of the Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw, as well as all the issues of magazines on architecture, including such titles as “ARCHITEKTURA-Murator”, “Architektura & Biznes” or “ARCH”.

Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw Bookshop

The Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw Bookshop offers museum publications, exhibition catalogues, publications on historical and modern architecture as well as gifts, bags, postcards, bookmarks, fridge magnets and coloring books for children.

Getting to the museum





Paid car park near the Raclawice Panorama, Jana Ewangelisty Purkyniego str. 11

Construction Archive of the City of Wroclaw Reading Room


The Polish section of DO.CO.MO.MO – International Comitee for DOcumentation and COnservation of building, sites and neighbourhoods of the MOdern MOvement – was founded in 1992 and belongs to DOCOMOMO INTERNATIONAL located at the Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.

It aims to:

Jadwiga Urbanik

Standards and Policy for the Protection of Minors at the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław

In connection with the regulations of the Act of 13 May 2016 on counteracting the threat of sexual offences and the protection of minors (i.e. Journal of Laws 2023, item 1304, 1606) including Articles 22b and 22c of the aforementioned Act, the Policy for the Protection of Minors is introduced at the Museum of Architecture in Wrocław and the Standards for the Protection of Minors are ordered.

The full text of the order can be found HERE