The Renaissance architecture mansions in Lower Silesia


The exhibition and accompanying book by Christopher Eysymontt are the first, and also completed the development of a unique phenomenon in Europe, which are courts of Silesia. Presentation includes more than 60 preserved (in a different state) courts of Renaissance, including such significant for the Polish Renaissance art objects, as courts in Gorzanowie, Goals dzierżoniowski, Wojanowie, Kliczkow, black, Luboradzu, Wojnowicach or Zagrodnie. In the course of 150 years was built over 200 castles, of which survived to our times (in different, often very bad behavior) more than 100 objects, which are inalienable part of the cultural landscape of this region.

Presented in the exhibition is a rich photographic documentation showing the current status of buildings, such as iconography FBWernera drawings and B. Mannfelda, drawings and T. FG wingei Blätterbauera, archival photographs (both from the early twentieth century, as well as from the period 60.-80. of the last century), as well as projections of all buildings and preserved design elements (fragments of tiles, stucco , fragments of the ceiling). The exhibition is enriched interior arrangement of courtly ceremonial chambers of the equipment. Presented furniture, household ceramic metal and glass and tapestries HERBOWA come from the rich collections of the National Museum, that provided them specifically for this exhibition.