
Urszula Wilk / Eugeniusz Minciel


Painting is the title of the exhibition held in historical interiors of Museum of Architecture in Wrocław. This is the first joint presentation of Urszula Wilk and Eugeniusz Minciel from Wrocław. As the curator of the exhibition Mirosław Jasiński says they are “every day” artists (in contrast to Sunday artists), who uncompromisingly dedicated their entire lives to art and developing their separate artistic visions.

On the one hand this exhibition is a retrospective of works by recognised artists – it spans works from nearly three decades, showing the full panache and palette of means of expressions that the artists expanded throughout their painting career. On the other hand, however, it showcases the newest art works which have not been shown anywhere yet, as they have been prepared with this first joint exhibition in mind. In total, there will be as many as several hundred works displayed in the spaces of Museum of Architecture!

As the curator Mirosław Jasiński highlights, although the works are presented jointly the artists’ stories run in parallel. The organisers’ intention was to bring out this distinctiveness and simultaneous artistic authenticity rather than juxtapose or compare it.

The exhibition is organised by the City Gallery in Wrocław and Museum of Architecture in Wrocław.

The exhibition is open till 25 February.